Thursday, July 16, 2009


At Team CHEAPIOSITY, haggling is our middle name. Metaphorically speaking, Mom. We just don’t see the need to pay full price for most things and ESPECIALLY big ticket items. And yes, you can haggle even in department and discount stores if you've the stomach for it. We’ve discussed this in various posts over the years, but there’s nothing like a refresher. MSN Money recently published an article that we want to share to rejuvenate your haggling juices:

Earlier today, a friend called Team
CHEAPIOSITY from a car dealership. She had just gone into the dealership to test drive a model to see if she liked it. The salesmen had her all in a tizzy so she called us and put us on the phone with him. We weren’t trying to haggle with him. We simply explained in no uncertain terms that we could see through his dog-and-pony show, and the price started to drop. This was without our even trying…..once the salesman knew he was dealing with an experienced car buyer he backed down and sent out his boss as our friend ran for her life!

Our point is: business stinks. You've got control of your wallet. The bargaining ball is in your court. No one wants to lose a buyer.
They want to make a sale. So haggle to your advantage. It's the smart thing to do.

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