Friday, March 21, 2008


With gas prices skyrocketing, a few words need to be said about saving money on gas. The biggest and best moneysaving tip we can offer is this simple one:

Walk. Use a bicycle. Stay home.
If you’re fortunate enough to live somewhere with decent public transportation system in place, USE IT. And count your blessings and your savings while you’re doing it.
For those less fortunate souls, think CARPOOL. Yeah, we know, carpooling may not the coolest way to ride. But it’s the smartest and the cheapest and the greenest. Don’t thumb your nose at us. Check out: This site offers everything you ever wanted to know about sharing rides and can tell you who's in your area that would like to share....Ask around. Don’t be shy.
A friend of ours asked around looking for a carpool and met her husband-to-be. Sounds like the premise for one of those Sandra Bullock chick flicks we avoid at the multiplex. To be entirely truthful, that never actually happened to anyone we know. But it could. And Sandra Bullock would be adorable in the role.
Remember, the people in your carpool don’t have to be your best friends. Books, audio books, iPods, and naps (real and pretend) will kill the commuting time if your seatmates are not fascinating conversationalists. Think about your planet. Think about your wallet.
Okay, we know…some of you don't have access to public transport, or it’s too far to consider walking or biking, and you just don’t want to ride-share because it’s far too inconvenient…stop whining. We’re here for you. Let's talk about saving at the pump.
Go to: There, they will tell you the cheapest gas prices in your area so you don’t waste gas driving around bargain-hunting.
Try to buy gas on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, because prices are better on those days. (We don't know why. They just are. Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth, as our Great Aunt Ollie used to say. Then again, the woman used to order boiling water in restaurants to make her own soup with vegetables she carried in a big smelly carpetbag. You have to pick and choose what advice you want to follow with these distant relatives. )
Also, it makes sense (and cents) to avoid buying gas near freeways and expressways because prices tend to be higher there as a rule.
Finally, you’ve no doubt received an email promising savings at the gas pump and/or proposing boycotts to bring down gas prices. We strongly suggest that before you forward these specious and omnipresent little gems to your unsuspecting list of friends and colleagues, you take the time to check the efficacy of the claims therein. CHEAPIOSITYs rumor-checking website of choice is
Check this link for a well-reasoned example of their investigative work:
Take a look at, 9 Ways to Save on Gas:
In short, though, follow the advice you probably heard at your mother’s knee. If something sounds too good to be true, it’s probably bunk.

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